Finding the perfect pair of running shoes is not an easy task and it can take a bit of research. You need to make sure that the shoe is the best fit for your foot, that you feel comfortable and that it is suitable for your specific running needs, especially with respect to distance and terrain. To help you on the quest, this article gives you an overview of some of the latest running shoe models on the market.
Sneakers are a very important part of the sports equipment, regardless of which sport you play. There is so much choice, whether it’s football shoes, tennis shoes or basketball ones. However, running shoes are made to special standards just for the best use while running. Check out our top pick:
Nike Zoom Fly
The Zoom Fly is a perfect shoe for fast track workouts up to marathon racing. It is designed to help runners of all abilities run faster and it succeeds splendidly. This sleek and stylish looking shoe uses resilient EVA for the midsole plus a midsole plate that is incredibly effective for transition of energy from one foot strike to the next. The only remark is that the narrow forefoot and rigid all-around construction compromises comfort a bit.
On Cloudrush
This new model of the Swiss company On Running is designed for fast, efficient runners. 18 pods on the outsole amount to an amazing bounce and energy return and help disperse impact forces on ground contact. Firm and flexible, it can be used for speedwork or as a daily trainer.
Nike Zoom Vaporfly 4%
This is a very expensive shoe tailored for elite performers who want to improve their running economy. It is scientifically proven that it does exactly that, with a 4% improvement and a rare 100% success rate in a test (18 out of 18). Nike achieved this result by using a new lightweight foam that is both soft and bouncy.
Altra Escalante
This shoe got some pretty good reviews, as many customers were satisfied with it. Users were impressed by its softness and optimum cushioning. It uses TPU foam rather than the traditional EVA foam, which contributes to durability and great energy return. Best for road running.
Brooks Ghost 10
One of the company’s best-selling shoes, the Ghost 10 is an excellent traditional neutral running shoe that delivers on all aspects. Compared to previous models, the fit is improved by a new seamless upper. The shoe feels light, and the soft cushioning guarantees comfort to long-distance runners. They are best for every day running and high mileage, but perform well even on the track for fast workouts.